Jun 18, 2010

Men in Aprons

     The Great Recession has increased the number of so-called house husbands...the men who stay home while the wife holds down the full-time job with benefits.
     And now there's a web site aimed at their needs.
     It is somewhat amazing to me that in 2010, gender roles are still as cemented as they are....that there needs to be special consideration given to men in the position of housekeeper and/or child raiser.
    The New York Times just recently featured an article in their Sunday magazine about men in Sweden using paternity leave. Here's a quote from that story:
“Many men no longer want to be identified just by their jobs,” said Bengt Westerberg, who long opposed quotas but as deputy prime minister phased in a first month of paternity leave in 1995. “Many women now expect their husbands to take at least some time off with the children.”
   Whatever. I'm glad to pass along the links, to be of assistance to the American men wearing the aprons, men who've no doubt learned to respect how hard it is to do all that stuff around the house and with the kids...and look good doing it too, even if it means wearing an apron with tractors on it. 


  1. "Gender rolls?" I've been making bread since Hector was a pup, but I've never heard of gender rolls.

  2. Yeah, Jay... "Gender rolls." You know... they're kinda' sorta' like orange rolls with a lemon twist. Not to be confused, if course, with Rolls Corniche. That's a whole lotta' different. "Daddy, I'd like a western omelette for breakfast this morning, please, sir."
