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Jun 27, 2010

Porker of The Month (June 2010): Sen. Richard Shelby, Who Made Pigs Fly ...


  1. Never trust anyone who speaks out of one side of his mouth.

  2. I especially liked this DIRECT QUOTE from the GAO report on the Constellation program: "... the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has criticized NASA’s management of the program, saying that it “is still struggling to develop a solid business case - including firm requirements, mature technologies, a knowledge-based acquisition strategy, a realistic cost estimate, and sufficient funding and time - needed to justify moving the Constellation program forward into the implementation phase…NASA estimates that Ares I and Orion represent up to $49 billion of the over $97 billion estimated to be spent on the Constellation program through 2020. While the agency has already obligated more than $10 billion in contracts, at this point NASA does not know how much Ares I and Orion will ultimately cost, and will not know until technical and design challenges have been addressed.”

    The SAME MAN whose "brain child" was the Constellation program, former NASA Administrator Michael Griffin, is now at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He was hired in tenured status at $350,000/yr by the current sitting idiot president, David Williams.

    Griffin's newest wasteful brainchild is to establish a Center for System Studies at UAH, which will address the need for 'systems thinking' in industry and the government.

    Yeah... right.

    Whatever THAT is.
