Jul 24, 2010

Close $have

     Forgive a quick rant. The Washington Post has a feature story about the growth in the number of blades on men's (and women's) razors.
     Their take: the number of blades is out of control.
     My take: The manufacturers have grown greedy in today's subscription economy. Anybody who can get you to pay as much as $4 for a single razor blade, and convince you to use one a week (they claim they last longer, but trust me..) has hit the jackpot. $16 a month x even 10-Million men is....too much.
     I am quitting as much of the monthly fee economy as I can.
     My blades cost a little more than $1 and do fine.
     I am refusing to buy any product that ties me to their exclusive and expensive replacement parts...call it the "Swiffer Mentality". Printer manufacturers are among the worst offenders. The printer is cheap, but the replacements cost a fortune!!!! How in the world can they justify the cost of printer ink cartridges?
    OK, off the soapbox. Tim's headed back into the cave to carve out Mondays MMMM on a boulder.

1 comment:

  1. I can do you one better. About a year ago I found an old Gillette DE safety razor in a antiques store. I bought it (about $7) sanitized it and found some blades online. Yes, you have to be a little careful, but they don't cause ingrown hairs and they cost 10 cents each. Next I got a badger hair brush ($50) and some glycerin soap ($1.50). Now I probably spend as much shaving for a year as some people spend in a week.

    Yeah, all those blades — it's a scam.
