Jul 10, 2010

M(S)MMM - The best blogging has to offer?

     If the New York Times represents this "debate" about the "intelligence" of CNN (BlogginHeads: News for Dummies) as an example of what blogging has to offer America, we may as well all go back to chisels and stone. Give me a break!  This is Blogging for Dummies!       
    The blogger "defending" CNN says in the first 30 seconds that she "hardly ever watches CNN, except at the gym, and not really there either...", while The New Republic's blogger is all over the place, complaining about CNN being all over the place.
     I'd say both of the bloggers-Michelle need to take another Xanax and zzzz g zzzzzzzzzz o  zzzzz baaaaaaaaack toooooo sleeeeeeeeep.
    This a prime example of old media trying to incorporate new media and missing the target. Just like those awful "reader comments" (a' la' Talk radio) after just about every newspaper story in the world.

[The Monday (and sometimes other days, like today, Saturday) Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]

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