Sep 2, 2010

Government Savings

     Maybe that's what's behind the Republican Supreme Court Justices, two of them, donating money to the Democratic candidate who is opposing one of their fellow GOP Justices.
     The way it works is this: the atmosphere is so cold in the Judicial Building on Dexter Avenue that they can turn down the AC to save on the utility bill.
     Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall of the deliberations these days? Brrrrrrr
     There's nothing new about opposing forces serving on the same body...look at the Legislature and it's committees, for example. But here we have supposedly serious-minded legal professionals debating the fate of people's lives. (Oh wait, that's supposed to be the legislators too!)
     Is this another argument for ending the election of judges in Alabama? The Alabama Bar Association has pushed for years to move to an appointment process (via a committee, with safeguards) of state judges. And you don't have to look very far for more evidence...the dirty politics of the elections themselves, for example. And the fact that we have the most expensive Supreme Court races in the country. The best judicial system lobbyists money can buy, is one way to describe it.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Brother Tim!

    When this is accomplished, let's move on to the appointing of school superintendents and coroners. Both should be professional positions, not popularity contests.
