Sep 18, 2010

Keep Kait out of jail!!!

     My way-too-early-in-the-morning air partner on CBS-8 This Morning---Kait Parker---needs help being bailed out of the MDA "jail". She's scheduled to begin serving her time at The Alley in Downtown Montgomery on Wednesday and needs to raise "bail" to stay out.
     Can you spare a touch of cash to keep her from having to wear one of those garish orange jumpsuits?
     Use the link above to donate! IF she isn't bailed out, yours truly will be doing the weather Thursday morning and remember...I am not a meteorologist (though I played one on TV)...while she is.

1 comment:

  1. Kait would look good in anything, even in an orange jumpsuit.

    She amazes me with her bright-and-cheery demeanor at such an early hour. Sort of like a local Rachel Ray.
