Sep 16, 2010

Post Debate

Memo to Mr. Sparks:

The Doesn't or Don't Rule is:

Doesn't, does not, or does is used with the third person singular--words like he, she, and it.
Don't, do not, or do is used for other subjects.
Incorrect: It don't matter anymore.
Correct: It doesn't matter anymore.
Incorrect: Grandfather don't see too well.
Correct: Grandfather doesn't see too well.
Correct: His glasses don't help him much.

Memo to Mr . Bentley:
The AEA has said it was going to sit out the race for Governor because both candidates support public education. Adding 10 years onto the retirement time for teachers---from 20 to 30 years--- probably isn't going to keep 'em on the sideline. Doesn't you think?


  1. Absolutely.

    This English major cringed at Sparks' grammatical gaffes.

    And the "13 foot ladder" remark didn't go over well.

    On the other hand, Bentley came across as cold and unfeeling. Has anyone ever seen him smile? Can he?

  2. Found! Both men smiling. Very rare picture.
