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Oct 18, 2010

Dites qu'il n'est pas aussi

     As if the French aren't having enough trouble with residents rioting over the threat of reduced government services (as opposed to the U.S., where the prospect of increased government services riles the tea-party masses) some Universities in America are dropping French Language courses!
     J'edtudie' Francais por dous annee en ecole. (that's written just as I think it should be from those many years ago courses. The heading of this post was written based on a translation from Are either of them correct??? French scholars out there??) And why should anyone speak French today anyway...hasn't English in one form or another proved itself as the world language?


  1. Betcha you didn't know that American Sign Language is derived from French sign language.

    American and British sign languages are about 90% different.

  2. "And why should anyone speak French today anyway...hasn't English in one form or another proved itself as the world language?"

    Tim, are you sure you're not related to another Tim, whose last name is James?

