Dec 25, 2010

The Air We Breathe

     An opinion piece in the NY Times points to the coming GOP control of the U.S. House as trouble for the EPA. If the writer is correct, and the House is able to block the agency by way of limiting funding of investigating it into oblivion, then it may have an impact on two issues of interest to Alabama in General and Montgomery in particular.
     The EPA was supposed to announce months ago whether it will change the amount of ozone allowed in Montgomery's air...a change that could limit new industry in the city.

     And then there's the the coal-ash question. The EPA is determining if the byproduct of coal fired power plants should be regulated more. You'll recall the huge coal-ash spill at the TVA plantTennessee almost exactly two years ago, with the spilled ash carried by train to a commercial dump in Perry County Alabama.

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