Dec 18, 2010


     Both of Alabama U.S. Senators were on the losing side of today's 63-31 vote to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell...though three other Republicans joined the Democratic Senate Majority for the vote. Geographically, it looked like a Civil War vote again, except South Carolina  and Virginia were on the other side...)
    The N.Y. Times has a map of the Senate yeas and nays.
    One Senator quoted the late Ultra-Conservative U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater's comment that "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight".
    It will be 60 days or so before the policy is actually repealed and various regulations are put in place. The ban was started by President Bill Clinton seventeen years ago. At least 14,000 service members were forced to leave during that time, and some say they will reenlist as soon as the change goes into effect.

[ALSO: The double talk of the day award goes to newly elected U.S Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) for this comment about the issue: On "don't ask, don't tell,"

Manchin said that he'd "spoken with many passionate West Virginians who hold different views on this policy" but reiterated his concerns over the timing of repeal."As such, while I believe the DADT policy will be repealed, and probably should be repealed in the near future, I cannot support a repeal of the policy at this time," Manchin said.
                                                                                                                 The Washington Post

     Manchin missed today's vote...the only MIA Democrat. He was at a party.]

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