Jan 1, 2011

Country Crossing

     The Dothan Eagle quotes the lawyer for Country Crossing as saying he sees light at the end of the electronic bingo tunnel in recent statements by Governor-elect Robert Bentley.
     Bentley has said he'll let Attorney General Luther Strange handle the task force on gambling, though Bentley had said several times before the election that he would eliminate the task force.
     The lawyer apparently sees reason to believe that Strange will have a different take on the electronic bingo question than Governor Riley did.     
     Sheriff Joe Bennison told CBS-8 last week he was planning to meet with Bentley on Tuesday to work out a solution, presumably one that would allow Greentrack to reopen.
     Will Strange really have a different opinion about the constitutional amendment that allows electronic bingo in Greene County? Or has the entire bingo well beem poisoned by the pending trial of eleven folks on bribery related charges involving a bingo bill?

1 comment:

  1. how can you close it after almost 10 years.victoryland that is
