Jan 17, 2011

The Way Forward

     Governor Bentley suggested cooperation is the way forward for the state and the now GOP-majority Legislature...but he still made what appeared to be an odd ad-lib about most Americans being tired of the Federal Government. The comment came during the 150th Anniversary year of the Civil War, and just days after the 150th Anniversary of the state's decision to leave The Union.
     The least cooperative person sworn in may have been Secretary of State Beth Chapman, who dissed Democrats and offered this rational for Voter I.D.: you need a picture I.D. to rent a video, why not to vote?
     I don't know many people who still actually go and rent videos anymore, but I DO know that there's nothing in the U.S. Constitution about the right to do so. (Gee, Tim, that sounds like the argument people make against gun control measures!)
     Fortunately, the 40% chance for rain never hit the ceremony on Dexter Avenue or the afternoon outdoor events at the stadium Downtown.
    Here's to an interesting four years!

1 comment:

  1. The Constitution doesn't say anything about computers, either. Or television.
