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Feb 16, 2011

Florida no? Alabama yes!

     The Governor of Florida is rejecting two billion dollars in federal money toward an Orlando to Tampa high speed rail.
     Let's see, that's about 88 miles or so, isn't it a shame there aren't two of Alabama's larger cities that about that far apart, where people would benefit greatly from being able to hop on  train and be in the other city in 20 minutes? If only there were such cities, our congressional delegation could ask the White House to send US the money!
     Such a shame.


  1. You know darn well, Tim, that Birmingham is 90 miles from Montgomery.

  2. Got something againt Huntsville? Montgomery is the center of state stupidity, while Huntsville is the center of state genius. Birmingdamn, being the Tragic City it is, should not figure into the equation. Therefore, the only other reasonable alternative is Huntsville to Mobile.
