Feb 1, 2011

Health Care Reform

      So now it's 2 and 2...two Federal Judges have ruled against the legislation, and two for it. The Supreme Court will have the final say.
      The main objection seems to be that it is wrong for the Government to force us to buy a product, namely, insurance.
     Then why it OK for the states to force their residents to buy car insurance?
     Is it somehow OK for the states to crush their people under oppressive regulation, but not for the Feds?
     Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange says the same kind of legal rationale that went into the law would allow the feds to force people to "drink a particular kind of coffee".
     And he's a lawyer, so he should know.


  1. I'm very strongly in favor of reform of the entire health care system.

    But forced purchase of health care insurance is not the same as being forced to buy auto insurance. Owning a car is voluntary; living and breathing aren't.

  2. Come on Tim, you surely know that auto insurance and health insurance are apples and oranges.

  3. Of course Tim knows. But apparently the Strange attorney general doesn't.

  4. So if the courts are upset about requiring people to buy insurance, sounds like we need some kind of PUBLIC OPTION! Tax payers are paying already for those who don't have insurance and show up at the ER.

  5. Actually, we who have auto insurance often pay an "uninsured motorist" fee, to cover situations where the other driver messed up our cars but has no insurance.

    And health insurance is high, in part because hospitals have to treat people with no insurance, at least until they are medically stabilized.
