Mar 1, 2011

zzzzzz ---post to blog---zzzzzz post to bl...

Here's what happens when a blogger sleeps while most people are awake and vise versa. I didn't watch more than the first 35 minutes of the Academy Awards, so I missed the ending. Now a Bravo Cable TV executive is in hot water for criticising the performance by some school kids at the very end. What's this about? I wondered. Above is the video for you to watch, in case you too missed it. And all I can say to Andy Cohen of Bravo is this: Andy, I'm cynical, comes with the journalism territory, but if you think those kids performance "ruined the show", you have a hard, hard heart. I feel sorry for you.


  1. And, how important are those Academy Awards anyway? We have far more pressing problems in this world.

  2. I saw that at the end of the Awards show and thought they did a wondeful job - it was a bright and touching moment for me. My daughter, who is in college said, "Why are they keeping those kids up so late?"

  3. Charles, does your daughter know about time zones?

