Apr 23, 2011


     In my lifetime, I believe I have consumed less than the contents of a single six-pack of beer. And half of that was in Vietnam.
     It has never been my alcoholic beverage of choice.
     But I am interested in politics, and the way some small-government advocates are perfectly willing to go all big-government when it comes to liquor (and sex too).
      Especially when Big Business is hounding the politicians to use government powers to clamp down on competition.
     Read the Birmingham News story this morning regarding the call for a boycott of some brewers because they are making sure the competition remains handcuffed by arcane regulation.
     Rather than Free The Hops, they want to sentence them to life without parole.
     If someone wants to brew beer and the product isn't poisoning folks, I say let 'em go for it!

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