Apr 4, 2011

MMMM #140: The Double Edged Sword of YouMedia

     When the story of a U.N. compound in Afghanistan being attacked and at least twenty staff members killed last week because a "pastor" in Florida had burned a Koran broke, I wondered  how I had missed the initial burning story?
     I remembered last year's reports about his threats to do so, and the intervention of high-level U.S. government officials that resulted in him backing down. But how did I miss the latest chapter?
     Turns out it was reported in just a tiny handful of the media. Terry Jones performed his provocative act on March 20th. And then he became his own media and posted a video of it on his website.
    Two days later it was noticed by some Middle-Eastern sites.  But it was not till this past week that the story exploded online and enraged Muslims worldwide, peaking with the attack on the U.N. compound (The U.N. being the closed thing to Americans the mob could find.)
     I suspect those members of the mainstream media who came across a story about the March 20th burning on a barbecue grill, shrugged their collective shoulders and ignored it.
     Been there, done that.
     But the net allowed the good pastor to create his own media storm, with the expected results.
     The same Internet that allows a little girl to raise money for her mother's cancer treatment also allows a small-time religious nut in Florida to provoke Muslims in Afghanistan into killing innocent people.

ALSO: the mainstream media...at least the CNN part of it...has now officially become part of what used to be called the "tabloid press". CNN's online headline for a story about Sarah Palin saying she is no longer going to whine about the MSM? Palin Says She's Through!!.

Brings me back to the days of the National Enquirer headlines like or Three Headed Baby Born!! (a snake, of course) or  Obama's Friendship with Terrorist! (When it comes to President Obama, even the thinnest link to the truth is sufficient. And that's not just in the tabloids!)

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog]

1 comment:

  1. There must be some law, state or Federal, to lock up this nutty "pastor." He knew that his act would result in deaths of Americans.
