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May 23, 2011

MMMM #145 -- News Manipulation

Women! Begone!!

      A Brooklyn Yiddish newspaper had Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a female terrorism official in the background removed from the iconic photo of President Obama and others watching the operation that left Osama Bin Laden dead.
     The new media folks would have you believe the traditional media does this all day long...sits around deciding how to manipulate news to sell their own agenda. This newspaper did it because their Ultra-Conservative Jewish beliefs don't allow them to publish pictures of women for fear of arousing men.
     In my own experience, most of the media is way too busy just trying to get the job done to plot agendas.
     The newspaper, by the way, did violate the White House photo use agreement, which stipulates you can't change their pictures in any way. And according to one rabbi, the violated a Jewish Law that forbids deceit. 
     Now there's a good rule for new and old media to follow.

[Plus: Read CNN's story on the behind-the-scenes way the Arnold and The Baby story broke...including the former Governor's
 amazingly vicious method of dealing with reporters.]

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]

1 comment:

  1. Good points.

    But I gotta' tell ya'... Hillary doesn't do a thing for me. She's somebody's hottie, though.
