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May 17, 2011

Small Government

     Advocates of smaller state and federal government are getting what they want, mostly because of the Great Recession, as opposed to intentional cutbacks.
     Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb ranted a bit about them today, pointing out that the cuts to the state Judicial System will slow down all criminal AND civil trials and court actions. Innocent people will stay in jail longer waiting for a trial. People wanting to end their bad marriages are already waiting as much as two years for a divorce.

     Unless something happens to the budgets being considered by the Legislature in the last meeting days of the session, several hundred more court employees will be laid off in October.
     And one step thing that's next on the chopping block will be small claim courts. Those courts won't be eliminated, they simply won't be staffed. So for those folks who like to avoid lawyers and handle disputes themselves, you'll be out of luck.

1 comment:

  1. Yup. Just as you wrote, I too would imagine the "small government is better" crowd is as happy as a lark! But then again, I think those folks, and those like them aren't happy with anything. Given a gold brick, they'd complain about the heavy weight. Go figure.
