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Jun 7, 2011

Bingo Bribery Trial Morals

     In reading a Birmingham News story about the jury selection, I was interested in the prosecutors telling potential jurors the trial is not about whether gambling is "good or bad" got me thinking if they are worried about jury nullification?
     Almost all of those in one panel questioned today said they had gambled. The same majority said they read their Bible every day.
     Will that influence their decision if they are chosen?
     The defense is sure to argue that what happened is no different from a voter or special interest group giving a campaign contribution to a candidate (incumbent or not) because they want him or her to support their this case electronic bingo.
     Lots of people wondering aloud if there will be many conviction or all convictions?
Watch CBS 8's Krista Littlefields's coverage here.


  1. "The same majority" might mean the same people. That may or may not be the case.

    I very much doubt that "the majority" read their Bibles every day.

  2. Here's a good discussion on this topic:
