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Jun 23, 2011

Fat....and a very longlasting clock

It has been that kind of week.
I've been busy on a lot of fronts, and thus neglected my  posts here.
Let me make up for it a bit with a double post on two stories that have little to do with one another except they caught my attention.

#1: It's those potato chips that are making you fat. At least now we know what to blame, right?

#2: The founder of is building a clock that he wants to last for 10,000 years. And it it not just a lark by a man with more money than sense. Go to his website to read about the project, which is designed to make us all think long term. Really long term. Here's a quote from the man with the money:

 “Over the lifetime of this clock, the United States won’t exist. Whole civilizations will rise and fall. New systems of government will be invented. You can’t imagine the world — no one can — that we’re trying to get this clock to pass through.”
                                            Jeff Bezos, AMAZON founder



  1. This clock must have VERY powerful batteries, or a huge Energizer bunny!

  2. I vote for batteries...but solar is actually a part of it, that, and physics...and...I'll stop there. Read the article because it is WAY too easy for me to outrun my headlights when I write about science (and lots more too...)
