The most Popular Posts of the past seven days.

Jun 26, 2011

Post #2000 on This Blog

     I posted the first item on this blog on 11/23/2007....and this post is #2000.
     I didn't quite know what I was going to do with the blog when I started...the first posts were just some photos.
     The look of it has evolved...the posts tend to be shorter with more pictures (like almost all published and online entities. Look at TIME magazine these days!)
     Several years ago I added the weekly Monday Morning Media Memo...the 150th MMMM will post tomorrow morning, the story of the police stopping an Alabama TV station news vehicle.
    The biggest percentage of visitors come from Alabama, of course, and the U.S.(all 50 States and two U.S.territories), but 113+ countries are represented...even two visits from the Aland Islands, which I had to look up (near Finland).

Thank you for it once for a few seconds or multiple times for longer periods!



  1. Woo hoo! Congratulations, Tim! (Or should that be 'Time'?)

    Now... what to serve with that cake?

  2. Congrats, Tim, from your Senior Associate Executive Adjunct Editor, Researcher and Bottle Washer!

    Looking forward to your 4,000th!
