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Jun 4, 2011

A Special Effects Army

     Now I understand why the folks at AIDT (Alabama Industrial Development Training) are so interested in training Alabamians to work in the movie business, especially if there's a computer component to it.
     The new flick Priest tells the story of a future where vampires fight with humans and the humans are protected by a band of priests who are trained as vampire killers.
     Blood? Oceans of it, and it is sure to be condemned by the Catholic church, which is presented in a not very positive way. ("There are no vampires! Listen to the Church!")
     The AIDT connection? There are 343 people credited with the special effects. 343! Watch the trailer and you'll see why.
     Trivia: The actor who plays the vampire star "Bill" in TV's True Blood plays a vampire victim in the movie.
     And the movie is made for sequels, so some job security for that army of special effects people.

1 comment:

  1. SFX are now, and have been done by CGI, so it can be done anywhere electricity & an Internet connection exist. Think "cloud computing."
