Jul 5, 2011

Big Fish

     The movie of that name was filmed in the Montgomery area in 2003 and the story centered on, well, the story of a Big Fish.
     Today's Washington Post includes a real Big Fish story...143 pounds worth of Blue Catfish...and it's not a Father's mythical story to his son.
     As for myself, my Dad tried to get me interested in fishing...and I played at it a bit during summer camp...but mostly it was too slow of an activity for me to enjoy.
     Maybe it was because the bait-worthy fish in this picture was about the only thing I managed to catch?

*At one point in the Big Fish  movie, the zip code I live in is displayed on a document, and according to the IMDB listing linked above, the photos of "old bankers" on the wall of the bank are actually the founders of Bishop-Parker, a local furniture store.

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