Jul 25, 2011

Marketing 101

     So some company wants me to stay as a customer of their overpriced service, and their marketing plot is this:

lock in savings at a low rate that's GUARANTEED for two years.

     Let me get this straight....you clearly are about to go up on your prices...the ones that are ALREADY so high I am an inch away from cancelling...and you are threatening me?...saying unless I sign a contract agreeing to pay those high rates for two more years, you'll increase them again and I'll stop SAVING?
    Tell 'ya what. Here's your chance to lock me in as a customer. Go DOWN on your currently too-high rates and maybe, just MAYBE I'll continue paying you every month. Clear enough? Geeze.

[UPDATE: 8/10/11 WSJ reports cable and dish companies see subscribers abandoning their services.]

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