Jul 17, 2011

Obama rejects Elizabeth Warren

Watch Elizabeth Warren here, on CNN in May, and then read the story in the NY Times today reporting that she has been passed over for the job of leading the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Agency. The President threw her under the bus because she became a GOP target for her outspoken criticism of the financial industry. The former Attorney General of Ohio is the nominee.

But Alabama Senator Richard Shelby is still unhappy:
President Obama waited until the last possible moment to act. For months he has ignored Republican concerns about the lack of accountability at the CFPB and its potential adverse effect on the economy"


  1. One more example of how we are missing out on the best leadership because our elected officials are behaving like adolescents instead of statesmen or stateswomen. Since the financiers and bankers on Wall Street feared Ms. Warren because of he mind and skills and adult perspective, and since Wall Street has one of the most powerful lobbying forces, this is also a sad commentary on the state of democracy in our country

  2. I second your comments!

  3. Of course Shelby is unhappy. It's his nomral mood.

    Has anyone ever seen a photo or video of him smiling?

    I thought not.
