Jul 15, 2011

The OLD Cramton Bowl

     There has been a lot of activity at The Cramton Bowl in Montgomery these days because a $10-Million renovation is almost complete.
     Even with those renovations only partly done, it served as the venue for the All-Star High School football game Thursday night.
    Anyway, I came across a fascinating 1920's photo of the Bowl, which I discovered was built on an old landfill as a baseball stadium, and was the first field in Alabama to host nighttime High School Baseball games.

     It's especially interesting to see all of the farmland around the stadium. All of that land is developed now, much of it with state office buildings. And the Bowl itself is named for the businessman who donated the (landfill) land for the facility, and eventually took on the project of seeing it built too.


  1. Will we be losing the free parking lot?

  2. They're building another multi-use sports building on the Hull Street side of the big lot behind it, though it won;t be finished till next year...so yes. Of course the lovely parking across the street will remain.

  3. I've parked there many a time to get to the State House to battle the Neanderthals.
