Jul 8, 2011

Promised Immigration Lawsuit Filed

     The Civil Liberties Union of Alabama and The Southern Poverty Law Center have joined a national immigration group in a suit against Alabama's immigration legislation.
     An AL.com story quotes the sponsor of the new law as saying he knows the motivation of those organizations:

State Rep. Mickey Hammon, R-Decatur, defended the bill he sponsored in the Legislature, saying, "It is no surprise that liberal groups working to shield those who live here illegally are trying to block implementation of our state immigration statute."

     The suit was filed in Huntsville.


  1. Oooohh! The Leebruls!

  2. While perusing a Civics Textbook this past school year I noticed the Latin words on the building in your picture so, having forgotten my Latin--except for et cum spirit tu tuo--I Googled them to find Alabama had taken it on in 1923 as their motto (as you well know) & it means: "We Dare (To) Defend Our Rights". I wondered how many Alabamians ever cared to check what it stood for? Gary

  3. I would say that most Alabamians DO know the state motto..and even practice it in their own way, though sometimes I think they have been fooled into protecting the rights of the "Big Mules" who really run the state.
