Jul 7, 2011

Weather and Property Insurance in Alabama

     Two big stories this morning regarding severe weather in Alabama...starting with a Birmingham News piece about the April tornado outbreak. If taken together, those tornadoes would represent the 5th most costly disaster in U.S. History.
     And The Huntsville Times reports Alabama now holds the record for the number of F-5 tornadoes, the most powerful and often most deadly category....seven of them since 1950. (I took the photo to the right from a helicopter the morning after the 1977 F5 Smithfield Estates tornado.)
     Add it all up and insurance rates in Alabama are sure to head upward, though the experts say that's more because of the overall increase in weather damage from thunderstorms than from the tornado damage.

1 comment:

  1. Global warming hits us in the pocketbook, even though our Republican congressional delegation says it isn't so.
