Aug 27, 2011

Alabama, The Double Dipper

     A new report indicates Alabama is slipping into a recession.
    First off, wouldn't that be BACK into a recession? I mean, what is it we've been in the last 3+ years, if not a recession?
     While the experts fight, all you have to do is drive around for an hour and look at all of the houses that are STILL on the market. (Their agents say all they have to do is drop their price and, like magic, the houses will sell! So much for all those real estate agents selling The American Dream and pointing out what a great investment it is to buy a home!)    
     And during your drive, note the closed down retail and businesses. Ans  you might want to talk with the 10% of the workforce without a job too.
     Is Alabama going into a recession? Heck, we never left it!

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