Aug 8, 2011

Cold Obama and Hot Tattoos.

It is just too HOT to spend a lot of of time even writing! But a couple of notes of interest...In The NY Times. a lengthy analysis of President Obama that addresses the central question: why has he been less than expected? The opinion piece is titled "What Happened to Obama's Passion?" Indeed.

     Meanwhile here in Alabama we debate the important things. Like tattoos. Good or bad.
     Read the furor started by a Press-Register article about it. Geeze. Chill out folks. There are extremes in everything, like model Rick Genest (left), who has tattooed virtually all of his skeleton on his skin. As long as the boys and girls don't go that far, can we take a deep breath and let it go?
     (Note: Click the link with the model's name only if you want to see more of his real Illustrated Man body.)

Out largest county may file the biggest bankruptcy in history this week. The stock market has fallen off the cliff, young American men and women are trying not to be the the last one to die for Hamid Karzai, and we're angry about tats?

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