Aug 3, 2011

High Higher Ed Costs

       CBS News this evening included a report on the increasing cost of, and the lower state budgets for, Higher Education*.
     While Alabama's education budget continues to be prorated...i.e. cut based on tax income---20 per cent in the past two years---Governor Bentley seemed optimistic in the Spring when he told  a Higher Ed rally on the Statehouse steps:

“Even though we don’t have a lot of money, I said I wanted to make sure higher education is adequately funded,” Bentley said. “We actually are going to increase next year’s budget for higher education from this past year.”

     Each year Higher Ed and K-12 battle over their slice of the shrinking Education Budget pie. Yet, they are dependant warriors. Without K-12 to prepare students for Higher Ed, where would the college students come from? And without colleges to aim for...

[*Disclosure: I teach a broadcast course at Trenholm Tech.]

1 comment:

  1. Of course, nothing can touch the budgets for football. Nothing.
