Aug 29, 2011

MMMM #160 -- I Have Questions!

It's a mystery to me:

1) Why does NPR have a "Countererrorism Correspondent"? Do they also have a Pro-terrorism correspondent?

2) Why is it legal to advertise alcohol on radio and in newspapers and on billboards in Alabama, but not on TV? Is TV advertising so much more effective it might literally drive people to drink?

3) Will weather forecaster apologize the organizers of the Martin Luther King Memorial Dedication for convincing them to cancel the event over the threat of some pretty serious showers?
(Uh, on second thought, looking at the photo to the right, scratch that one...though George Will said on ABC's This Week: I have a home on South Carolina’s Atlantic Coast. I know that the Atlantic Ocean generates hurricanes, and they can be dangerous and unpredictable. That said, this too must be said: Florence Nightingale said, “Whatever else you can say about hospitals, they shouldn’t make their patients sicker.” And whatever else you want to say about journalism, it shouldn’t subtract from the nation’s understanding and it certainly shouldn’t contribute to the manufacture of synthetic hysteria that is so much a part of modern life. And I think we may have done so with regard to this tropical storm as it now seems to be.)

4) This week's TIME cover proclaims vets from America's twin wars in the Middle East the new "Greatest Generation". Already? How long did it take the media to decide the WWII vets were the first? A few decades? As a vet myself, I appreciate the new veterans' service, but I'm just sayin'...why does the media feel such a need to make broad generalizations like that? Remember TIME's "Is God Dead?" cover?

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]

1 comment:

  1. Why apologize for the weather forecasters' report? They did not make the decision to postpone the dedication.

    And, as you say, those were "pretty serious showers."

    Full disclosure: My daughter works for NOAA in Silver Spring MD.
