Aug 23, 2011

The Newsday: 8.23.11

     An earthquake * on the East Coast at the same time that population is facing the first major hurricane in years, AND The Tripoli Battle what story does Tim feature?
     The humanoid robot on the ISS, that's what. He's been "activated", but they wisely have not installed his legs yet. I kinda hope that haven't hooked him into the control systems of the station yet either.
     Just in case.

     That's him on the left. The other guy is the I,Robot from the movie, the one that went nuts way after HAL in the other movie went off the deep end.
     Meanwhile in Alabama, the fight over immigration will be court tomorrow, a week before it goes into effect.


     And hats off to the Mobis Company in Alabama for donating $11,000 worth of  school supplies to Montgomery's Public  Catoma Elementary today.     
     I wish the state would raise enough money to provide those supplies, but nice to see a corporate citizen step up to the plate in its stead.

[*Late in the day comes a report that some workers in the RSA tower in Downtown Montgomery felt the quake!]

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