Aug 30, 2011

Rosa's Stuff.

     If you have a few million laying around and want to help Troy University's Rosa Parks Museum beef up it's collection, call Guernsey's auction house in New York and they'll gladly sell you her eyeglasses, her bible, the note she wrote about being raped by a white employer, oh, and her Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor. And lots more.
     A Washington post story today bemoans the fact that the collection remains locked up, with no access for scholars. The Guernsey's executive I spoke with said the Troy facility was the first place he called when they obtained the court order allowing them to sell the property.

     But Troy doesn't have the money, and nor, apparently does anyone else.
     The Washington Post article linked above doesn't mention Troy, but it does mention ASU in Montgomery, which is probably still smarting from the fact that it was Troy, and not them, that built the museum on the site of the bus stop where Park's famous (sitting) stand took place. Does ASU have the money? Probably not, after all of the millions of dollars of (overdue) construction underway on their campus.
      How much? You name it. $8-Million? $12-Million? $20-Million? Less? More? What price history?
     Somebody will snatch it up at some point, hopefully someone who will allow the scholars...and the public...access.

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