Aug 20, 2011

Shades of Sarah Palin!

"There are very few [Russian] people who have stood on the beach in Alaska," he said. "Seemingly you can stretch out your hand and touch Mother Russia."

   The quote is from a story suggesting an underground rail connection between Alaska and Russia. I'm not sure I would trust an official who uses the words beach and Alaska in the same breath.
    Talk of a bridge or tunnel there has been around for many decades...but perhaps now--- with the world economy in tatters----might not the best time to dust off the plans??

[Thanks to Jay finder of stories, for, er, finding this story!]


  1. Fascinating story! I have long wished to be able to ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Maybe there is hope for the journey.

  2. I wouldn't want to be on that railway in the winter, Charles.
