Aug 15, 2011

Worst Case Scenerio

     One of my "go-to" questions in interviews is the worst case scenario.     
    It works especially well with museum curators or head librarians.

     If a terrible event were to occur and you only had a few moments to gather up items to save, which few would you run out of the building with?

     A chief Smithsonian curator I interviewed many years ago answered that he might grab Thomas Jefferson's folding writing desk, or Michael Jackson's single glove.

     Turns out there is actually a Wold War III list for some of the nation's treasures, according to a story in today's Washington Post.
    It's an interesting exercise for folks to conduct at home too. If you could only get out with what you could carry (presuming all living things are saved) what would you take?


  1. From recent events, I know what I would take and did take when I had to leave my home exposed to anyone.

    I took papers from my wall safe and prescription medicines.

  2. My 2005 Prius, of course!
