Sep 15, 2011

Alabama's Federal Tax Teat

     For at least 25 years, perhaps many more, Alabama has gotten more back from the Feds than state residents sent to D.C. in taxes.
     In fact, in all but a couple of years, Alabama has been in the top 10 states which get a good return on investment.*
     Alabama Tea Party members should be hoping the Feds keep spending!
     Yet members of the so-called "super committee"---granted what some say are unconstitutional powers to make budget decisions---suggest  cutting 1.2 Trillion in spending isn't enough. They want to slice more from federal spending.
     The committee has a brand new web site soliciting input from the public. How should the budget deficit and U.S. debt problems be solved?     
     But the point it this: residents of states like Alabama that take more back from D.C. than they send, can't complain when the committee's decision hurt their already slashed state's budgets.

*The most recent The Tax Foundation report was in 2004

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