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Sep 30, 2011

Banks Robbery

     If banks didn't already have enough trouble, now there's a significant backlash against the monthly debit card fees that Bank of America, Regions and others have started rolling out. $3, $5...whatever they are, customers are unhappy.
     Didn't taxpayers bail them out because they were too big to fail, even though it was their own foolish investments that got them into trouble in the first place?
    The dilemma is this: do you move your money to another bank, only to have that bank start charging the same fees? The banks know this, and that's why it's not all happening at once.  Maybe a Credit Union?
     And while I'm thinking of it, didn't debit cards actually save the banks money compared to the money they spent processing all of those paper checks?
          Two web sites of note: and
           I saw them in a nytimes story online.
          And then there's the YouTube video showing the Wall Street protesters on the street, and the bankers on their terraces above, saluting the rabble with champagne.
         You would think all that money and education would allow them to hire some PR people with better sense.


  1. Hi Tim. I'm testing. Gary

  2. And I wonder why the Wall Street protesters haven't gotten more media coverage? Is the liberal media slipping?
