Sep 19, 2011

A Harvestless Fall

     North Alabama farmers have pleaded with some Alabama Legislators to change the immigration bill now, because millions of dollars in crops are going to be lost for a lack of field hands.
     Of course farmers made that case before the lawmakers approved the bill too.
     And that argument about the  jobs the illegals were taking from God-fearing legal resident of Alabama?
     Where are the workers who will work for less than minimum wage picking the crop?
    Perhaps the Legislative Leadership can pass a bill that requires anyone on unemployment to spend at least 20 hours a week in the fields helping to bring in the crop in return for the unemployment compensation they're getting. You know, kill two birds with one stone.
     Any takers?


  1. Call up Scott Beason and his cronies that pushed for this legislation...they'll be out of a job soon (hopefully)! ;-)
