Sep 25, 2011

M(S)MMM # 164 -- Last Meals (NOT)

     Reports that Texas was ending those "special request" last meals for death row prisoners the night of their execution were all over the place last week.
     You could positively hear the cheers from death penalty supporters--- like those at the GOP debate who cheered Gov. Perry's brag about the number of prisoners his state has put to death.

     Yet it was on a BBC Radio report in the middle of the night on Alabama Public Radio that I heard an interview with the former inmate who actually prepared 200 of those special meals. Bunk, he says, in his book "Meals To Die For".
     He said no matter what the prisoner's asked for, he says they were given only what was available in the prison supplies. They would ask for a N.Y. Strip steak...and get a hamburger steak. Ask for wine and get grape juice.
     Why did I have to listen to a BBC report to hear that?

[The Monday (and sometimes Sunday, like today) Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog. The topic of tomorrow's regualar MMMM is reporting on the poor in America.]


  1. For the same reason all of my friends from across the pond, who live here in the states, watch it.... They get the news unfiltered on BBC. I have spent some time around the world and always watch BBC (TV/Radio) to get the real scoop. I guess we are just too politically correct.

  2. Thanks for the comment Kevin! I don't think there is any conspiracy, just a certain amount of laziness by reporters who don't question enough.

  3. Amd don't forget , , , BBC produces "Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares!"
