Sep 5, 2011

MMMM # 161 --about that MADD story...and Official Lies.

     A story on the website SLATE was the first to report that it was a liquor lobbying group that distributed a news release boasting about Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) getting a poor charity rating....yet a New Jersey columnist finds fault with both MADD and SLATE!

     Meanwhile, a website in Detroit went to their local MADD person for reaction and got, well, double talk as far as I can tell.
     People who work for cause organizations sometimes drink the (non-alcoholic) cool-aide and are willing to believe or say almost anything for the it to promote drinking or NON drinking.
 As always, it's up to the media to view everything with a questioning eye, no matter what the source. And to report the source when there's an apparent conflict, as there clearly was with the MADD news release distributed by the Anti-MADD lobbyists.

[ALSO: Did the NYC Mayor have an obligation to disclose the fact that his Deputy resigned because he had been arrested in Washington D.C. on a domestic violence charge? Hiz Honor sez no, and admits he actually concealed the arrest!]
[UPDATE: The NY Daily News is among those calling out the mayor for his arrogance.]

Happy Labor Day...and drive safely!

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]

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