Sep 18, 2011

A Pop Quiz:

Q. Which causes more deaths per capita in the U.S., drugs or traffic accidents?

A. According to data from the CDC, drugs have now surpassed auto accidents, mostly because of an increase in prescription related overdoses and reactions (it has doubled), and a reduction in accident fatalities.

The Los Angeles Times has the story this morning.

(The story indicates Alabama is above the 12.7 national 13.66 per 100,000 people...higher than either neighboring Mississippi or Georgia.)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you mentioned this; I read the story late yesterday evening.Kinda' makes one wonder about the state of BIG PHARMA in our nation, doesn't it - and in numerous ways.

    And yet, drug abuse (licit & illicit) bespeaks mental/emotional health issues - about which we in this nation continue to be reluctantly addressing.
