Sep 1, 2011

Who Cares For Our Children?

     CBS and others reported Wednesday that the U.S. infant mortality rate is now worse than 40 other countries. The new stats from a World Health Organization study show even Cuba has a better rate than the U.S.

   And as we in Alabama know all too well, our rate is near the bottom of the state lists, though we have shown some improvement.
     The Alabama education and general fund budget cuts aren't going to help the state improve those dismal stats. There are so-called "3rd World" countries with better infant mortality rates than Alabama.
     I wish as many people would get angry about that statistic as erupted against Governor Bentley over the state state flag for a soldier issue this week.


  1. What was conviently left out of the story is that the US has a high rate of premature births that are included in those stats which skew the results.

  2. The flag flap was focused on the Governor. Although he denies responsibility, there's still the "the buck stops here" responsibility.

    He made it worse by blaming the two previous administrations.

    In contrast, I don't think he has anything to do with the infant mortality statistics. Maybe if he was an ob/gyn rather than a dermatologist . . . .
