Oct 15, 2011

Coal Ash Regulated (NOT)

     According to a Washington Post story this morning, U.S. House Republicans approved a bill yesterday allowing the states to control coal ash, that by-product of coal-burning, mostly from power plants.
     You'll remember that a huge holding pond containing tons of coal ash collapsed and flooded the land and a river in Tennessee a couple of years ago. Much of that coal ash ended up in a for-profit Perry County Alabama landfill*.

     I would ask a) how little regulation Alabama would impose on coal ash, since ADEM (and The EPA) was fine with it being shipped by train to Alabama in the first place, and b) if coal ash is not an environmental problem, whether those legislators want power plants to go back to the good old days, with no scrubbers, and the coal ash etc just flowing into the air for folks to breath in every day.

[The company that owned the Arrowhead Landfill filed for bankruptcy, though where that stands now is not clear.]

1 comment:

  1. Classic example of letting the fox guard the hen-house.
