Nov 25, 2011

Saturday's critical times: 9:02 AM and 2:30 PM Central

     At 9:02, NASA will launch Curiosity, the most advanced machine yet to be landed on the surface of Mars.
     Somehow I can't find much excitement about the mission from the people I've mentioned it to in recent days. Maybe it's a generational thing. They grew up with space as a ho hum kinda average thing, while I date to, well, the start of it all. Anyway I'll be watching the launch in the morning. And I'll be watching eight and a half months from now when she lands.

     As for 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, that's kickoff for the Iron Bowl, a game I always watch.
     This year Alabama's hopes for a National Title are on the line. Auburn would love to get in the way, although they are like a 21 point underdog.
     Oh, and those people who don't care about Curiosity, they'll be all over the game.
     Maybe if we could get NASA to land something on the 40 yard line...
     Different strokes, I guess.

[P.S. When the rocket carrying Curiosity blasts past earth orbit, it may come within shouting distance of the failed Russian Mars probe that is stuck in earth orbit instead of heading towards the Red Planet. It will likely fall back to earth in January.]

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