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Dec 22, 2011

Are North Koreans brainwashed, or just plain stupid?

     Millions of North Koreans have starved to death in famines resulting from the policies of the "ruling" family, yet the people go blindly along, now busy adopting new fantasies about them, believing them somehow "divine". If ever there was a regime worthy of toppling, it's them.
     South Koreans seem to be astute businesspeople, well versed in arts and language, science, food production and sports. But a stone's throw away it's a Stone-Age blind obedience to a demi-god.
     Then again, we have candidates for the U.S. presidency who say they are answering a divine calling by entering the race, and people will vote for those "Dear Leaders" too.


  1. "If ever there was a regime worthy of toppling, it's them."

    How could you forget, Tim--what about the Alabama legislature and its "you're not my friend" governor?

  2. I've often wondered how that many people can be oppressed for that long. You'd think starvation would uncover a few brave souls willing to risk their lives for a little revolution.
