Dec 7, 2011


     Back in radio days, I remember interviewing two research/authors at UAB who had written a book (PyschoDiatetics? Something like that). I can't remember their names*, but I recall one shocking fact.

 They talked about a study in which one group of rats were fed a common breakfast cereal, while another group was fed the box the cereal came in. You guessed it, the box was as good or better for them!

     Today the Environmental Working Group has released a report on the best and worst children's cereals, which says the worst include cereals that are more than half sugar. More than half! Fruit Loops (original) was among the worst. at 41.4% sugar.
      Makes me wonder if parent would be better off blending the box for breakfast!

* Google to the rescue. Here's the 1977 book for sale--used-- on Amazon. I had the title right, and the authors name's are:  Dr. E. Cheraskin and W. M Ringsdorf  Jr.

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