Dec 10, 2011

Too Soft on Muslims!

     The Washington Post reports that's the reason a right-wing TV watchdog group threatened advertisers who were buying commercials on TLC's All-American Muslim reality show.
     Had the show depicted Muslims as bomb-throwing radicals out to destroy America, I guess if would have been OK.
     But reality TV is never truly reality on TV anyway. Even back to the PBS's 1973 An American Family, the presence of cameras changes everything. And what is or is not on-camera diminishes or enlarges.
     How many times have you see a house fire story on TV, with the flames and the flashing lights and the fearful eyes...only to see if as a two paragraph story in the next day's newspaper?
     Are there hateful Muslims in America. Sure. There are also hateful Christians and Atheists. The dislike for a soft-handed presentation may say more about the complainers than about the program's subjects.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Tim! A house fire is a scary experience, especially for the occupants. I'm fortunate never to have been in one.

    A house fire would be headline news in the Podunk Post but wouldn't be mentioned in the Washington Post.
