Dec 24, 2011

Under The Tree (NOT). The Nay-pad

     I was asked if I would like an eye-pad for Christmas, and I said no...vaguely wondering if, deep down, I really did want one?
     I have an admitted anti-apple bias (the opposite of the pro-apple cultish and slavish affection some folks exhibit, and just as acceptable), but even if I did not, I have just not been able to figure out what I would use an eye-pad (or any pad) for!
     This morning: The the L.A. Times to the rescue. No, not explaining why I should have one, but a columnist who feels the same ambivalence as I!
     Anyway, the pads are another chapter in the subscription economy that I try so hard to avoid. Pads and a billion other products try to force you to continue buying things assoiated with the main purchase.

  • This is the best razor in the it for just $5 (but the blades will be $6 each for as long as you use it!)
  • Just using a mop on the floor is not good enough, but this great cleaning devise (and buy our overpriced pads for it forever!)
  • The eye-pad is the next best invention in the world (and you have to continue to spend money for "apps" and subscriptions from then on!)
No thanks. I'd rather not quarter and dollar myself into bankruptcy, though I can assure you, there are many aps for that.

1 comment:

  1. Preach it, brother!

    I still use ball-point pens and probably have an actual pencil in a drawer somewhere.
